The Ascendancy Group provides a full suite of basic through advanced courses of instruction (COI) that are in line with U.S. Department of Defense and civilian intelligence community training objectives to ensure a uniform application of established government and industry standards.
TAG utilizes a tiered system that allows course attendees of all skills the right entry point and training progression tools.
Each COI is customizable to meet class size, training location, and specific unit requirements.
To request a copy of our complete Training Catalog or for any questions, please contact us, training@theascendancygroup.com, from your government email account.
TAG Training Curriculum
Custom Soldering Curriculum
Custom Electronics, Antenna & Hardware Curriculum
Custom Mechanical Design Curriculum
Custom Programming Curriculum
Custom Technical Surveillance Curriculum
Sensitive Activities Curriculum
Fundamentals of Tradecraft & Field Operation Curriculum
TAG Custom Curriculum Categories
FS = Fundamentals of Soldering
FE = Fundamentals of Electronics
FM = Fundamentals of Mechanical Design
FP = Fundamentals of Programming
TS = Fundamentals of Technical Surveillance
CY = Fundamentals of Cyber Operations
TR = Fundamentals of Tradecraft
SA = Sensitive Activities
TAG Tiered Curriculum Definitions
Mission Critical (Level 100 COIs)
Defined as minimum skillsets required to meet operational requirements derived from doctrine and mission essential task lists
Mission Essential (Level 200 COIs)
This training leverages the basic building blocks that were developed in Level 100 COIs, refining those skills and fully preparing course attendees to conduct sensitive operations OCONUS.
Mission Enhancing (Level 300 COIs)
These COIs are designed to enhance and combine Level 100 and Level 200 programs with added skills in progressive scenario-based practical exercises that mimic real world deployments in the Outside Declared Theater of Active Armed Conflict environment.
Advanced Skills (Level 400 COIs)
These COIs offer sustained and intensive training for experienced operators and for operators looking to achieve full subject matter expertise. Mission planning and briefing, mature operational judgement, and disciplined mission execution in formal country team posts and austere great power competitive locations.